The Church of St Nicholas
We extend a warm welcome to everyone in the village to our services and to attend one of our many social events. Please look on our notice boards in the churchyard and outside the shop for forthcoming event information, as well as on the village Facebook group.
Every Tuesday (10:30am - 12:30) we hold the Rendezvous group, where all are welcome to enjoy a chat with friends and meet new people. Fresh ground coffee and a good selection of homemade cakes are served.
On Fridays during term time (10am - 11.30am) we run Ickford Little Stars Toddler and Carer Group. There is a £3 charge to attend. For more information please contact Meryl through the Facebook page.
For information on church services, weddings, christening , funerals and other such items, please contact the Rector.
For Reverend David Kaboleh call 01844 339608 or send an email
St Nicholas Church
Church Road
HP18 9HZ
Chairman - Liz Jordain
Tel. 07787 512959
Email. Elizabeth.Jordain@gmail.com
Treasurer - Peter Jordain
Tel. 01844 338518
Email. peter.jordain@gmail.com